School Bus

Iveco Daily

Inspection expired First registration: 08/2019 62,536 km Euro 6

Vehicle specifications

Please note that delivery of this vehicle may take 10 days longer than standard.

First registration:  08/2019

Kilometers:  62,536 km

Anti Pollution:  Euro 6

Class:  School Bus

Version:  A50 S34 VI

Location:  Ascoli Piceno - Italia

Vehicle condition:  Running

V.I.N.:  ZCFC250D505272420

Converter:  Ristè

Floor:  Normal Floor

Length:  7.49 m

Width:  2.05 m

Height:  3.00 m

Inspection expiration date:  10/2023

Document nationality:  Italy

Doors:  1

Total passenger capacity:  42

Seats:  40

Seats including driver's seat from registration certificate S1:  42

Standing places:  0

Standing place from registration certificate S2:  0

Companion seats:  1

Folding seats:  0

Wheelchair places:  0

Wheelchair ramp:  Manual

Luggage capacity:  0 ㎥

Pass-through Luggage Compartment

Fuel:  Diesel

Engine brand:  Iveco

Engine model:  F1CFL411W*E

Engine position:  Rear

Displacement:  2,998 cc

Power:  132 kW

Transmission type:  Manual

Axles:  2

number of wheels (single or double):  6

Tire size for axle 1:  195/75 R16C

Tire size for axle 2:  195/75 R16C

Spare wheel

Alloy wheels

Driver air conditioning


Passengers air conditioning


Cruise control:  No

Tachograph:  Absent






Internal cameras

External cameras

Reversing camera

Fire alarm system

Destination signs

Driver berth

Driver Electric socket




Coffee machine



Operational windows:  4

Seats monitor

Seats radio

Seats USB port

Passenger seat electric socket 220V

Seat upholstery:  Plastic

Reclining seats

Extendable seats

Safety belts

Coffee tables


Vehicle registration document

Vehicle details

Please note that delivery of this vehicle may take 10 days longer than standard.It is necessary to inspect the vehicle for export outside Italy.

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